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AVAILABLE SIZES: S (30-35g), M (95-110g), L (135-145g)


Let’s Pawty Nepalese Chhurpi - Handcrafted Yak Cheese Dog Chews from Free Range Himalayan Yak. 

These all-natural chews are made from the milk from yaks and cows, as well as salt and lime, following a long-used Nepalese recipe. The milk turns into a soft cheese that is then kneaded and sun-dried, becoming the paw-fectly hard texture that your dog craves. And chewing is shown to improve your dog’s dental health—salivating acts as a natural defense against gum disease while the calcium content is great for strong teeth and bones. These tasty chews are an ideal choice if your woofer has a sensitive stomach or allergies to typical treats.


Key Benefits


•    100% All-Natural - Long-lasting, protein rich, easily digestible

•    100% All-Natural - Contains only yak and cow milk, salt and lime juice

•    Easily Digestible - Grain, gluten, lactose free with no binding agents

•    Eco-friendly - Organically handmade from free range grass-fed Yak and cow.

•    Long-Lasting - Chew can last hours and multiple times; Minimum 4 year shelf life

•    Great for dog's oral and mental health - protein-rich and low in fat. 

•    Low odor - won’t stain most carpets or fabrics.



Please provide plenty of fresh water when giving any chew or treat. To prevent injury and choking hazard, please watch your pet while they enjoy this treat and be sure to choose the appropriate size chew. If this product splinters or develops sharp edges, throw it away immediately for your pet's safety.


Let’s Pawty 尼泊爾 Chhurpi - 100% 純手工天然氂牛芝士潔齒骨,來自喜馬拉雅山放養氂牛。芝士潔齒骨採用尼泊爾當地游牧民族傳統古法製作而成,富含鈣質與蛋白質 純手工製造,只添加少許青檸汁及鹽使其凝固,經過日曬及煙燻製成條狀芝士棒,每一根的重量、顏色、形狀、風味都會略有差異,可說是獨一無二。其營養價值非常高,能提供狗狗10種必需胺基酸中的8種,富含鈣質與有最低60%的蛋白質成份及低於1%的脂肪,不含麩質,為人類食用等級食品。 



•    全天然無添加,100%使用喜瑪拉雅山氂牛和乳牛的奶源製作,不使用防腐劑、著色劑及抗氧化劑。 

•    無穀物,為預防穀物過敏的情況發生,不使用小麥、大豆、玉米等穀類製作。 

•    低鹽、低乳糖,比加工芝士減少約95%的鹽分,且比普通牛奶減少約95%的乳糖,可放心餵食。 

•    堅硬耐咬,不容易黏在狗狗嘴巴周圍,亦不易弄髒地面。 

•    幫助維持狗狗牙齒及牙齦健康,通過充分咀嚼可令牙垢不易附著。



氂牛芝士潔齒骨較硬,狗狗食用時,請主人在旁注意,以免狗狗猛力啃咬造成口腔損害或者意外吞食,牙口不好的狗狗請切小塊後食用。 芝士潔齒骨因為經過煙燻製程,所以表面會有些微較深的煙燻色,屬正常情況。 

Let's Pawty Himalayan Chhurpi yak cheese dog chew 喜馬拉雅山有機天然氂牛芝士潔齒骨


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