Lamb Puff Cubes are 100%, Australian Lamb. All natural, single ingredient product containing no preservatives, no additives and no added sugar. Plus, they are incredibly low-fat too! These make a great quick snack or for training purposes. Perfect and tasty for dogs of all sizes. These treats are air puffed making them super light and healthy for your dog. Because they are so light, you can rest assured they will be light on your dog’s stomach too.
LP羊肺粒100% 由澳洲羊肺製成,全天然及單一成分的產品,並不含防腐劑、添加劑和添加糖,脂肪含量也是非常低,適合各種大小體型的狗狗。 肺粒比較輕巧充氣,易於分離且低脂肪及營養豐富的美食,會是一種很好的零食或用於培訓。
Let's Pawty - AIR DRIED RAW LAMB PUFF CUBES 澳洲全天然風乾羊肺粒 80g
Moisture 9.42g
Fat SBR 9.50g
Protein 76.28g
Ash 4.8g
Ingredients :100% Lamb Lung
Product of Australia: Manufactured in Australia