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LP Kangaroo Jerky Cubes are highly nutritious, as it is rich in Omega 3s and zinc, and is one of the leanest red meat proteins. These treats are the perfect size for training as they make a yummy reward. They are small and easy to handle so no need to break them up.  All Kangaroo Products contain a high amount of omega 3. Especially in comparison to other proteins like Pork, Beef and Chicken. Kangaroo also contains plenty of Zinc, Iron and vitamin B12 which are great for growing bones and keeping on top of a healthy immune system. Kangaroo has double the amount of iron than beef and triple the amount of iron than pork and chicken.


LP袋鼠肉乾粒營養豐富,富含歐米茄 3 和鋅,是最瘦的紅肉蛋白質之一。 這些零食的尺寸大小都是非常適合訓練用並且會是美味的獎勵。所有袋鼠產品都含有大量的歐米茄 3,與豬肉、牛肉和雞肉蛋白質等相比尤其高,同時還含有大量的鋅、鐵和維生素 B12,它們非常適合骨骼生長和保持健康的免疫系統。 袋鼠肉的鐵含量更是牛肉的兩倍,豬肉和雞肉的三倍。

Let's Pawty - AIR DRIED RAW KANGAROO JERKY CUBES 澳洲全天然風乾袋鼠肉乾粒 100g

庫存單位: LPAD_KG_JC
  • Metabolisable Energy    325 Kcal

    Minimum Protein %    47

    Minimum Fat %    2


    Ingredients 成分:100% Kangaroo meat 

    Product of Australia: Manufactured in Australia

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