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LP Beef Puff Cubes are a great quick snack or reward style of dog treat. Being a beef product it’s low in allergens and your dog shouldn’t experience any reactions. The lung is very light, and so are not very dense which makes them a great low fat treat by volume. These are not rich on the stomach in comparison to some heavier and richer liver treats. Great for use as a quick crunchy snack or for training most sized dogs. Full of taste and flavour, they are perfectly suited for training. 


LP牛肺粒為狗狗提供一種鬆脆的獎勵零食,由於牛肉過敏原含量低並不含防腐劑或糖,作為零食大多數狗不會對它過敏。 肺粒比較輕巧充氣,易於分離且低脂肪及營養豐富的美食,適合用作輕點小食,而充滿非常吸引的味道側非常適合訓練用。

Let's Pawty - AIR DRIED RAW BEEF PUFF CUBES 澳洲全天然風乾牛肺粒 60g

  • Metabolisable Energy    373 Kcal

    Minimum Protein     78%

    Minimum Fat     3%

    Crude Fibre     1.0% max


    Ingredients :100% Cow Lung

    Product of Australia: Manufactured in Australia

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